Love stories

Proposing on a mountain 5165m

Proposing on a mountain 5165m-Hanno Stockholm
A proposal to remember and take inspiration from

Sako Hanno- the chief artisan at Hanno Stockholm- takes pride in precisely crafting jewelry to perfection for his clients. His boho, chic jewelry has been gushed over by celebrities and appreciated by the members of the Royal Family alike, but there’s more to his brand than his credibility and skills. 

It’s the sheer amount of love and dedication he pours into his work. And as a testament to that statement, we’d like to share the story of him, proposing to the love of his life, with an exceptional diamond ring he hand-crafted at Hanno Stockholm.  

Hanno proposed to Zuzanna with a ring; he took several months to design himself. The platinum ring constituted a lab-grown diamond placed carefully in the center of small green diamonds that matched the same color of his beloved beautiful eyes. 

Well, that’s enough on his credibility and dedication for his craft. Let’s delve into the details of his proposal, a love story that wouldn’t have come into being if not for Hanno Stockholm. 

Hanno had been an avid traveler from quite a young age. Being fascinated by the incredible stories of Mt. Ararat, recited to him by his grandmother, he planned his first trip to Armenia.

A part of the reason was relishing the memories of his grandmother, but there was more to the story. 


Wonder what?

Well, what got him the idea of hiking Mt. Ararat was proposing to the woman he loves, at a place that’s enriched deep in his memories. And of course, the man needed a place as beautiful as the platinum ring he’d crafted with his bare hands!

To plan for the hike, Hanno sought help from Armland- a popular hiking group of the region on Facebook. Talking to the founder of the group over a cup of coffee in Armenia, he came to know the whereabouts of the hike, what they’d be going through, the mental toughness required, and everything.

However, the first point of contact with the city of Armenia wasn’t as joyous as you’d think it to be. Being home to his grandparents, the sight brought back some cherished memories, leaving him with a feeling of melancholy. 

Anyways, once back in Sweden, he and Zuzanna started working on their training as instructed by the founder of the Armland group. Sooner rather than later, they found themselves on a trip to hike the inordinate Mt. Ararat. 

Zuzanna wasn’t aware of a shred of planning Hanno had for them in mind. 

Allow me to brief you through a few mundane details of the trip: 

The trip incepted at Yerevan, at 04:00 AM, crossing the Georgian border to the Turkish border. After traveling tediously for a couple of hours, they checked into a hotel in Bayazed- the closest city to the Mt. Ararat. 

The city, though, brought back those melancholic feelings for Hanno. Thanks to the magnificent landscapes of old Armenia, the emotions were soon elapsed. 


Back to the hike!

After taking the night off, the group headed off to carry on with their hike.

As told by the man himself, the hike to base-1 took over six hours. Situated at an altitude of 3200 meters, they had to stay the night for climatization. 

The second day, the group resumed its hike on to the base-2; situated at 4200 meters, it wasn’t a piece of cake this time. However, they were successful in their attempt.  

The 3rd and last part of their hike was different and more so, special. 

Hanno almost gave up at 4700 meters, but fate had planned things differently for them. With the support of his beloved, they were both able to somehow made through.

Straining the last bits of their energies, they were finally able to make it to the peak of the Mt. Ararat. 


And that’s where this turned out to be, magical.

He went down to his knees, cried a little, even screamed, only to realize how beautiful this moment would be.

Standing atop the tallest mountain in former Armenia “todays Turkey”, in the extreme cold-haze, with hands trembling of cold and nervousness, Hanno proposed to the love of his life- Zuzanna. Her eyes were glimmering with love, just as with the diamond ring,  Hanno had crafted just for this perfect occasion. 

The funny part being, the instructor, was shooting the entire thing and later posted the video on a social media platform. Before they were even back on the ground, the story of a guy proposing to his girlfriend at the peak of Mt. Ararat broke in the Armenian Television.

Appreciating the unimaginable courage and such a grandiose romantic gesture, the News AM TV in Sweden booked an interview with Mr. Hanno, quoting it as- ‘A Proposal to Remember.’

For a man who had put so much thought not only into crafting the perfect ring but in the proposal itself, he has earned every right to be trusted with critical matters of love and of course, jewelry. 

Copywrited by Ms Kavita



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